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Once Upon a Hollywood (2019)


The first post-Weinstein Tarantino production, he clearly still gets to call the shots as the massive 100-million dollar budget can attest. I say good for him that he can command that much money for a VERY uncommercial project (even with A-list stars). It's rare indeed for a filmmaker to be so successful at the box office that he can get the budget needed to realize something of this magnitude.

I was nervous about how he would treat the Manson Murders, but then I remembered that, like in Inglorious Basterds, he's in his "Revisionist History" mode, so when the big final scene arrived, it was thrilling, but not emotionally satisfying.

One recent (and annoying) development in his writing style is what I call the "You don't say!" scenes. This is when a character says he has or did something, and another character automatically goes: "YOU did the bleh bleh in the bleh bleh bleh?" This happens near the end with Emile Hirsch and the flamethrower, it happens in Hateful Eight, it happens in Basterds. It fortunately doesn't occur in Django. I can't say this wouldn't happen in real life, but having characters prompting others to elaborate or essentially self-congratulate themselves feels awkward and obvious.


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